Finding Time for Meditation
Meditation can positively impact your mental and physical wellbeing. It can reduce stress, improve relationships, increase focus, and more. Meditation is one of the oldest human practices with roots in every culture, society, and religion. By making meditation a regular part of your daily routine, you can help combat negative thoughts and be a better version of yourself.

Benefits of Meditation
Tens of millions of people around the world wouldn’t meditate if there were no concrete benefits. Some do it for religious reasons, while others find meditation itself a religious and spiritual experience. Some view meditation as a form of self-care, while others need it to get through their day. Whatever your inspiration is for meditation, it comes with a cornucopia of health benefits.
Reduces stress
Stress and anxiety can both be alleviated with meditation. In fact, stress and anxiety are two of the most common reasons people in the western world turn to meditation. Meditation can reduce the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the brain, helping individuals feel more relaxed with a healthier reaction to stressful situations.
Fights depression
Some forms of meditation can improve self-image and decrease depression. Inflammatory chemicals called cytokines are released in response to stress and can lead to depression. Meditation can help fight depression by reducing the levels of these chemicals.
Improves sleep
Insomnia is a relatively common condition that affects one’s ability to fall and stay asleep. Meditation can help control the brain’s activity, lessening runaway thoughts that occur while trying to fall asleep. Meditation can also relax the body, helping to release tension and make falling asleep and staying asleep easier.
Finding Time to Meditate
Lack of time is one of the most common excuses we use when faced with a new task. In fact, there is plenty of time in the day to accomplish more than we could ever imagine. The real problem is prioritizing. If you prioritize your wellbeing, you will find the time to meditate, exercise, and do all the things that benefit your overall wellness.
Here are 4 ways to find time for meditation:
Schedule your meditations
Schedule your meditations like you would a meeting. Make it a part of your day that you absolutely cannot cancel. This goes hand-in-hand with making meditation a priority. Try scheduling your meditations to coincide with other activities, such as right after you wake up in the morning or right after you brush your teeth at night. Another helpful tip is to meditate during sunrise or sunset. This practice may help increase your spirituality and mind-body connection.
Time your meditations
Avoid sitting still with your eyes closed for 3 minutes and calling that meditation. Try timing your meditations to be at least 15 minutes of deep, intentional, and mindful breathing. At first, sitting still for even 5 minutes may be challenging, but like anything, it gets easier with practice. Soon, you may be meditating for 30 minutes+ without realizing how fast time went.
Start with guided meditations
If you’re having trouble meditating on your own for prolonged periods, try beginning with guided meditations. These typically last at least 5-7 minutes, but the talking and musical tones can make the time tick by faster for beginners. Try to avoid relying on guided meditations for the long-term as they may hinder your ability to climb inside your mind and focus on the here and now.
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The psychiatrists and Mile High Psychiatry want to help you become the best version of yourself. We do this through a combination of psychotherapy and cognitive tools. To learn more about our process or to request an appointment, visit /contact/.

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